SYSTEME.IO REVIEW and TUTORIAL – The Best Free Sales Funnel Platform?

## Review and Tutorial: Is It the Best Free Sales Funnel Platform?

In the world of digital marketing, having a robust sales funnel is essential for success. A well-designed funnel not only streamlines the journey of potential customers from awareness to purchase but also optimizes conversion rates, maximizes revenue, and improves the overall customer experience. One of the tools that have been gaining popularity among entrepreneurs and small businesses for building sales funnels is In this review and tutorial, we will dive deep into what offers, its ease of use, pricing, and overall value to determine whether it’s arguably the best free sales funnel platform available today.

### What is is an all-in-one online business platform that provides users with all the tools they need to launch and scale their online businesses. Founded by Aurelien Amacker, a French entrepreneur who wanted a simpler way to manage his online business ventures, has been designed to provide a comprehensive suite of features including email marketing, course creation, website building, affiliate program management, and automation.

### Key Features of

1. **Sales Funnel Builder**: At its core, offers an intuitive drag-and-drop funnel builder that allows users to create custom sales funnels for various purposes – be it selling products, capturing emails or promoting webinars.

2. **Email Marketing Tools**: With built-in email marketing capabilities including automated campaigns and newsletter broadcasting, this platform makes it easy for users to nurture leads and convert them into paying customers.

3. **Membership Sites and Online Courses**: Users can create membership sites and design online courses directly within This integration eliminates the need for external LMS (Learning Management Systems) software.

4. **Affiliate Program Management**: allows you to run your own affiliate program which can help expand your brand’s reach by using affiliates to promote your products or services.

5. **Automation Capabilities**: Automate tasks such as email sequences based on user behavior ensuring personalized user experiences – ideal for increasing engagement rates.

6. **Marketplace**: A unique feature where you can list your products for sale or browse other sellers’ products in the platform’s marketplace.

### Pricing offers an extremely competitive pricing structure with a very generous free tier which includes access to most features needed by new entrepreneurs or small businesses just starting out:
– **Free Plan:** $0/month
– **Startup Plan:** $27/month
– ***Webinar** Plan:* $47/month
– ***Unlimited** Plan:* $97/month

Each tier offers enhancement in capacity like more emails sent per month or additional custom domains you can connect.

### Hands-on Tutorial

Getting started with involves a few straightforward steps:

1. **Sign Up & Setup**: Registering an account on is quick – just provide your name and email address.

2a. **Creating Your First Funnel**:
– Choose “Funnels” from your dashboard,
– Click “Create”,
– Select your goal (collect emails, sell products), then pick a template.
– Customize pages using drag-and-drop editor.

2b. **Setting Up Email Campaigns**:
– Go to “Emails” then “Campaigns”,
– Click “Create a campaign”,
– Configure options like audience segmentation or trigger conditions.

3a. **Launching Membership Site**:
– Navigate through “Sell” -> “Products” -> “Membership”,
I- Create new product page layout using editor tools.

4a. **Activate Affiliate Program**:
– Activate under “Settings” and set commission rates.

5a. Track Performance:
View analytics under each section’s dashboard tab such as visitors’ count on funnels or opening rate in email campaigns.

### Conclusion

Considering its extensive suite of features combined with ease of use and aggressive pricing strategy (especially the robust free plan), stands out as one of the compelling options for anyone looking to build professional sales funnels without heavy investment initially in both time and money resources likely making it one of the best free sales funnel platforms currently available on the market todaydigital marketers especially those at early stage entrepreneurial ventures could find significant value here if exploring digital product offerings or lead generation tactics effectively thus potentially optimizing their business operations seamlessly across various facets through this unified platform approach efficiently while maintaining budgetary constraints adeptly during formative phases ideation realization phases successfully across time effectively indeed!

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