7 Ways to Avoid Screen Fatigue and Preserve Your Productivity

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When you’re in the world of tech, elevated screen time is nearly unavoidable. Many of us spend long hours in front of a screen (or two, or even three) radiating blue light, leading to eye strain and other vision problems, neck pain, and even reduced productivity. Too much screen time has been proven to have the […]

5 Ways AI Chat Can Improve Your Sales

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  The other day, I was catching up with a friend who runs a small e-commerce business selling handmade jewelry. She was lamenting the hours she spent each day answering the same questions from potential customers – questions about sizing, shipping costs, and return policies. It was eating into her time, time she would much […]

AI Chat vs. Human Support: Which is Better?

  As I found myself staring at my computer screen, frustration bubbling up over a technical issue, I paused, pondering my next move. Should I opt for the swift efficiency of an AI chatbot or seek solace in the human touch of a support agent? This decision weighed heavily on me, not just because I […]

How to Implement AI Chat in Your Business

  As I sat in my office one day, staring at the endless stream of messages flooding my inbox, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed. Running a business in today’s fast-paced world means being constantly bombarded with inquiries, feedback, and requests from customers and clients. While I knew that providing exceptional customer service was crucial […]

Learning To Use AI Models

  I still remember the first time I encountered an AI model. I was working on a project that involved data analysis, and a colleague suggested using a machine learning algorithm to speed up the process. I was skeptical at first, but after seeing the results, I was hooked. The accuracy and speed at which […]

An AI used art to control monkeys’ brain cells

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    An AI used art to control monkeys’ brain cells In today’s rapidly advancing world of artificial intelligence, groundbreaking discoveries are constantly being made at the intersection of technology and neuroscience. One such remarkable innovation is the development of AI systems that can manipulate brain cells in monkeys to create art. This merging of […]

Get Ready for the AI Revolution

A robot hand reaches for a human hand, symbolizing the collaboration and integration of AI in our future.

  Are you ready to dive into the world of artificial intelligence and machine learning? Well, buckle up, because GPT-4 is here to shake things up and make AiPT (Artificial Intelligence and Personalized Technology) smarter than ever before! In case you’re wondering, GPT-4 stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4, and it’s the latest and greatest […]

Google’s Bard Chatbot: My Initial Adventures and Impressions

  Ever since the announcement of Google’s Bard chatbot, I’ve been waiting with bated breath for its public release. As a language enthusiast and someone who appreciates the convenience of AI tools, Bard’s potential captivated me. Finally, the day arrived, and I eagerly downloaded the app to embark on my own exploration of this intriguing […]

Chat AI Prompts to the Next Level

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  Chat AI Prompts To The Next Level I’ll admit, when I first started dabbling with AI chatbots, my prompts were pretty basic. “Write a poem about a cat,” I’d type, or “Tell me a joke about a banana.” I was amazed by the results, but it felt like I was just scratching the surface. […]

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